
在这里 在坚实可靠, we strive to build community in everything we do. Whether you’re cozying up with a cup of coffee at Roger’s Café, engaging in a spirited debate about Christian ethics in the classroom, or competing in a ping pong showdown in the residence halls, 在坚实可靠, 你被社区所包围.

But what makes the Multnomah community different? 对于初学者来说, our 教师 and 工作人员 care about you as an individual, 一个学生, 也是基督的跟随者. Students rally together to take action that matters and develop their hearts, 激情, and skills to positively impact the world for Christ. 在一起,我们学会爱别人,在摩特诺玛之外的世界有所作为.


Kick-off the school year right at the Multnomah family BBQ. You will have the opportunity to get to know your 工作人员, 教师, and fellow students over backyard games and delicious BBQ!

Start the new school year with a blast for 狮子发射! 这个为期两天的活动欢迎我们的学生来到校园,包括在布尔温克尔的家庭娱乐中心过夜, Res Hall比赛, 快餐车, 和更多的.

Fall into fun at the Multnomah harvest party. 与朋友们欢聚一堂,享受游戏之夜,享受美味佳肴,以及一年一度的假唱比赛!

每年11月, 整个摩特诺玛社区聚集在一起,在学生/教师/员工的足球对决中相互竞争或加油!

深夜早餐 / Christmas Party

为期末考试周增添一些欢乐,享受夜宵和圣诞节庆祝活动. 从学习中休息一下, 穿上你的圣诞毛衣, and come spend the evening with your peers, 工作人员, 和老师. There are games, fun prizes, and a reading of 圣诞前夜.

挤满看台,和你的朋友和家人一起为MU的男女篮球队加油. This highly anticipated night includes trick shots contests, 赠品, and free 快餐车 from your favorite local vendors!

In conjunction with Campus Preview, SGA举办了一个活动,让未来的学生与现在的学生联系,体验摩特诺玛的生活和社区.

得到 dressed up and ring in the summer with your friends and peers. Enjoy an off-campus evening with a catered dinner, dancing, and celebration. 我们也会在晚上抽出时间来纪念我们的毕业生,因为他们即将毕业,即将迎来激动人心的新冒险.

从期末考试中喘口气,冒险去JCA吃一顿由教职员工提供的夜宵. Play games, win prizes and start finals week off with some fun.

图书馆激光枪战是一项以《欧宝娱乐官网》为主题的夜间活动,学生团队在躲避达斯·维德的攻击的同时,在图书馆内进行激光枪战比赛.  Food trucks and music make this a campus favorite.

The Multicultural/精神生活 Center
多元文化中心的存在是为了培养弱势群体在MU社区中感受到归属感的机会. 在这里, you can explore your authentic self in an inviting space where safety, 多样性, 神是荣耀的. If this is your intention, you are welcome here.

Spiritual formation is foundational to all that we do 在坚实可靠. 在灵性生活中心, 我们提供机会来支持我们的学生,因为他们在与神同行的灵性成长.

Join us as we develop relationships focused on becoming more like Christ. Center hours are Monday-Friday between 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.

学生辅导 & 健康中心
欢迎你来这里. The wellness center offers a confidential space focused on inclusive, 道德, 并通过专业咨询服务为所有在校生提供移情支持, 组, 健康的事件, 和研讨会.

该中心配备了专业咨询师,他们从周一到周四上午9点接受预约.m.- 6 p.m. 了解更多

学生成功中心的存在是为了装备你的工具和支持,以满足你的学术和生活目标. 我们采取以学生关系为中心的个性化和基于力量的方法, 赋权, 和清晰.

学生成功办公室位于JCA校园中心,周一至周五上午9:30开放.m.- 5 p.m.

通过我们众多的校园组织之一认识和你有共同兴趣的同学! 加入一个现有的组织,或者创办自己的组织,围绕你所热爱的事情建立一个社区. Whether your organization’s purpose is to have fun or make a change, student organizations help create a space for everyone 在坚实可靠.

Whether you’ve played sports your whole life or want to try something new, 校内体育项目为学生提供了成为团队一员的机会. 加入一个团队或开始你自己的,每周在游戏中围绕乐趣和友谊.

Bring your books to study, relax, or shoot pool with your friends! 中央位置, JCA休息室是学生们在课间闲逛和回忆的主要场所.

书房 offers a chill home away from home for our commuters to study, use basic amenities like a fridge, 微波, 免费WIFI, 在课间出去逛逛! The space is open to all students and can be reserved for social, 教育, 精神项目. Plus, keep an eye out for the pop-up Pizza & Popcorn Walkup Window for a free snack on the go!

Cozy up in Roger’s Café, located in the JCA Lounge. Arguably the best study spot around campus, 罗杰餐厅是和朋友一起喝杯咖啡或吃点东西取暖的好地方. 在我们的网站上了解更多欧宝娱乐官网罗杰的信息 食品服务 页面.

保持活跃,和你的同学、教职员工一起实现你的健身目标. little Gym提供各种有氧运动和重量训练设备,以及篮球场和排球场,可以和朋友一起玩!



每学期, 在期末考试期间, 教职员工聚在一起,在食堂招待他们吃深夜早餐,为学生加油. As an extra treat during fall finals, 摩特诺玛一家穿着圣诞毛衣聚在一起,我们敬爱的一位教员正在读《欧宝娱乐官网》.



庆祝又一个学年的结束,与你的朋友和同龄人一起创造另一个持久的记忆. 找一件完美的裙子或一件有纽扣的新衬衫,在校外享受一个晚餐和跳舞的夜晚. 晚会的重点还在于向即将毕业并开始人生新篇章的毕业生致敬.

“At Multnomah, community just kind of finds you. It’s shaping me into a better person by bringing me closer to God and myself.”

科里·默里,20岁,英语专业 & 圣经与神学

# NomahNation

# NomahNation goes far beyond Multnomah’s sports teams. The Nomah Nation spirit can be felt in the thrill of our roaring crowds, the chills from a powerful night of worship, and the pride of wearing the Multnomah brand. The Nomah Nation is a community rooted in its shared cause to serve God.


摩特诺玛大学田径提供了一个地方,作为一个社区的运动员和球迷集会. Consisting of twelve competitive teams, the Nomah Nation instills future Christian leaders with collaboration, 毅力, 和自律.




在这里 在坚实可靠, spiritual formation is at the center of all we do. From Chapel each week to bible studies, 当地的会议, and serving the surrounding Portland community, 你将有无数的机会来发展你与神的关系,并将你的信心付诸行动.


students and Rich leading worship

校园商店 & 邮件收发室

The campus store is your one-stop-shop for all Multnomah gear. Proudly sport the Multnomah name on apparel, mugs, class supplies, 和更多的.




